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The time has come for this old man to step up and start playing the game he was meant to play.

Visitor's notice
- those living in poor housing
- children needing food and clothing
- those needing medical care
- those needing help with the exorbitant cost of fuel and electricity
- seniors on limited incomes needing help to obtain prescriptions and certain dietary needs
- If you look around this site you will notice some advertisements for various items. One is Associated Content and another is for Informative Post. Both are simple pay for article sites that could earn you a little extra cash each month. Informative post will get you between 25 and 50 dollars while Associated Content allows for more possibility. AC pays upon accepting an article for publishing and sends each payment to your pay pal account. So, in your spare time you could knock out an extra hundred bucks or so each month.
The Easter holiday weekend is almost upon us here at JDP3.webnode.com. We hope that each of you have a safe and happy holiday. At the same time please recognize what this holiday represents. It represents the idea of ressurection, of coming back to life. That concept is exactly what we need to believe can happen to our financial lives. It can come back to life and flourish under any condition if we just keep plugging away.
DUMPSTER DIVING I rreally don't like this term but it is as good as any. I always called it scavenging or affirmative recycling. Most of us would never even consider doing such a thing with visions of beggars and bums sifting through city dumpsters. Really it is not that bad. I myself have done this on many occasion sometimes by accident. Many times I may be driving through a neighborhood and see something set by the roadside that seems appealing or perhaps it makes me wonder why they are throwing it away instead of donating it to someone.
A problem that I have at an apartment complex, where I assist the owner and friend, is with people dropping off their old sofas by the dumpster. My friend paid to have these dumped. Needing the excercise, I offered my service to break them down and place in the dumpster already paid for. Over time I found that these items had pieces of wood I could use for crafts, small repairs, etc.... I also found rolling wheels, electric lights, rollers, screws, bolts and nuts, washers, pens and pencils, a gold ring, and of course money.
Do not prejudge this alternative to get ahead. My friend recently starting giving me $5.00 for each one I tore apart. Getting ahead and winning is in the eye of the beholder.
Nobody...and I mean Nobody should ever have to go without. I am asking you to help me make it so.
End of the line
26/03/2009 08:37———
Mr Dprince Knows
05/01/2009 14:58———
Merry Christmas
25/12/2008 09:20———
Help T.C woman
05/12/2008 13:20———
added article
23/11/2008 07:38———
Added articles
23/11/2008 07:32———
Website launched
19/11/2008 05:33———
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